About Me


All about Celebrate Life in the Middle

Hi, I’m Michelle.  I’m so glad you stopped by this little blog of mine.  I created this blog for women like you, who are scrolling through social media and websites  for style and beauty inspiration as well as answers to issues and concerns that all relate to your life in the middle (midlife).

There are so many changes that we go through at midlife (menopause, retirement, empty nest, etc) and we find ourselves searching the internet for answers  and asking ourselves, “Is this normal?” or “Am I normal?”.  And this is on top of all the changes we have everyday with life itself!  Well, I’ve done the research, and “normal” is just a setting on the dryer.  We all have different experiences at midlife, and I hope that my musings will help you to figure out what works for you so you can enjoy this fabulous life!

My blog is all about positivity, inspiration and fun.  There’s so much negativity in the world today, so I wanted to put my little bit of optimism out into the world to help change that.  I write about health, wellbeing, style, inspiration and travel.  I will be here to encourage you to live the life you were meant to live, and I will be your cheerleader as you adjust to all these changes in your life. 

A little bit about me:

  • I’m an INFJ- apparently a rare personality… My Mom always told me I was unique 😉
  • I’m a wife and a proud Mom to three wonderful young men (22, 20, and 13)
  • I live on a grain farm in the “middle” of Canada (Saskatchewan) with two dogs a cat and the occasional semi-wild pig that wanders in for a visit
  • I’ve been a registered nurse for 28+ years
  • My style is classic and comfortable, and I enjoy fashion but don’t tend to follow trends. I believe our style is part of what makes us unique!
  • I love to cook. Baking… not so much.  I always get sidetracked and burn the cookies.
  • I have a creative soul- but there’s so little time to do everything I want to
  • I LOVE football (Go Roughriders!), chocolate, red wine, good food, and travelling

I don’t guarantee that everything I share on this blog will work for you, but I do promise to provide you with accurate and hopefully relevant information.  I certainly don’t have all the answers, my life is far from perfect and I’m a work in progress- learning and adapting every day.   I wouldn’t change anything, and I love my life (with the exception of hot flashes!).  I hope that we can celebrate life in the middle together! Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and join me.  Please comment or send me an email- I’d really appreciate hearing from you.

Take care,


Celebrate Life in the Middle Blog


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