• Lifestyle

    How IPL Therapy Can Help You Achieve Glowing Skin

    As we age, our skin undergoes a variety of changes, including the development of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and uneven skin tone.  Many women (myself included) turn to cosmetic treatments to address these concerns, one of which is IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy.  For years now, I’ve been going for IPL therapy, and it’s made the most impact on my skin.  It’s transformed my skin from looking drab and sun-damaged to glowing and has even reduced the redness from my Rosacea.  I feel confident going out without feeling like I have to cover up my skin.  In my opinion, IPL is the best treatment for aging skin, and I…

  • Lifestyle

    From Midlife Crisis to Midlife Bliss: Finding Balance in Midlife

    Midlife transition… This is a time in our lives that can be both exciting and overwhelming, and can make us feel off balance.  We’ve been through early adulthood’s growth and learning, and now we’re in our 40s, 50s and 60s, with even more ahead.  We’ve got some experience under our belts, but there’s still so much to discover.  If we haven’t prioritized ourselves to this point (which is so common), we might need to rediscover our identity, purpose and connection with the world in order to find balance at midlife.

  • Lifestyle

    Setting Intentions For the New Year to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

      It is nearing 2023, and the start of the new year always brings the tradition of new year’s resolutions.  Many view the start of a new year as a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, so making resolutions symbolizes that.  I really feel that we should be setting intentions for the new year, rather than making new year’s resolutions so we can achieve much more success. Resolutions and intentions are similar in that they both involve setting goals or making changes in your life.  However, there are some key differences between the two: Motivation: Resolutions are often driven by a desire to make up for past mistakes or…

  • Lifestyle

    8 Ways to Feel Sexy and Confident at Midlife

      Let’s face it, the ability to feel sexy and confident isn’t always easy – especially as we age.  We start to see changes in our bodies that we don’t like, our energy levels dip, and we often feel like we’re invisible in the world.  In our youth-obsessed society, it’s easy to feel like we’re not enough once we hit a certain age.  But the truth is, feeling sexy and confident at midlife has nothing to do with your age—it’s all about how the confidence you have in yourself.  Here are 8 tips to help you feel your best, and feel sexy and confident at midlife.

  • Lifestyle

    Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude in Your Life

    It seems like daily we are faced with negativity and fear in the news and on social media.  It’s easy to fall victim to this fear mongering, and focus more on the awful things going on in life rather than the good.  But how can we limit our exposure to this negativity and instead focus on the positives? Research shows that learning how to practice gratitude everyday increases our happiness, positivity and sense of wellbeing.  Cultivating gratitude is a choice you can make every day, but it does require practice.  And there are easy ways to practice gratitude in your everyday life.