20 Tips to Prevent Seasickness When Cruising
My husband and I are fairly new to cruising- our first cruise was in 2016. Prior to that I had never been inclined to go on a cruise since I get motion sickness quite easily, but somehow I got talked into it. I mean- I can get sick from going too high on a swing or from looking at my phone too much on a car ride! That first trip I did have a couple bouts of seasickness, and since then I’ve learned a lot about preventing and treating my seasickness so I can enjoy these wonderful vacations. What I’ve learned are 20 Tips to Prevent Seasickness When Cruising.
5 Girlfriend Getaway Ideas
Now that more people are receiving the vaccine and we will soon have a higher percentage of herd immunity, I’m starting to think about getting more time with my friends once it is safe to do so. I’ve been stuck safe at home with my family, and although I love them with all my heart and have truly appreciated having more quality time with them, it’s time to get out and do something different.  I am getting so excited to get out and enjoy visiting with my friends again- in person!  With restrictions easing in parts of the country but travel outside of Canada still challenging, I started researching some…
The Best Thing To Do In NYC
I’ve been missing travel so much this past year. Even my phone knows it! But seriously- my phone really does seem to know a lot about me- hmmm… Anyway, a notification came up on my Photos app the other day. It reminded me of photos from our trip to New York City in 2015 with two of our best friends.  That trip to NYC was a surprise to me. I typically prefer quiet and serene travel – not the bustling and busy city. And I’m far from the nightclub scene I would have loved in my youth.  But, this was a fun and interesting place to visit. Thinking back to this…
22 Tips to Stay Healthy While on Vacation
Being a nurse makes me always consider the health and wellbeing of my family and myself, especially when travelling. One of the great joys in my life is visiting new places and experiencing the culture, people, landscape, food, and drink. Over the years I’ve developed many tips to stay healthy while on vacation . I so miss travelling and can’t wait to get back to it when Covid is finally gone from our daily vocabulary. Living in Canada, each year I look forward to a winter vacation from the bitter cold. And this year, I am happy that we haven’t had any -30 degree days (yet). That comment likely…