A Year of Wellness Series: Feb 2021-Ways to Sleep Better
Part two in my year of wellness series is all about how to manage insomnia and sleep issues during perimenopause and menopause.  I’ll specifically talk about two medically proven ways to sleep better by improving your sleep quality and quantity. And no, it doesn’t involve medication! This year I am continuing my path to improving my health through small improvements each month of 2021. Part one of my year of wellness series is about assessing your health and lifestyle and then using that information to make a list of small and attainable goals throughout the next year that are specific and tailored to you and your needs. You can find…
How Having Fun Keeps You Healthy
Having fun keeps us healthy, both psychologically and physically. It improves mood, self esteem, and has a positive effect on our body as well. When we think about starting an exercise routine, we often think about activities such as running, cycling, aerobics. Many enjoy these activities and find the “fun” in them. I do not. In fact, I might say that I hate these kinds of exercise and don’t find the fun in them at all. I’ve tried all of them at one point or another in my life, but I’ve never stuck with them for very long. Why keep doing something that you despise? I’d sooner clean every…
Managing Stress During a Pandemic
Midife can be taxing with all the changes that we have going on around us and of course to us. Throwing a pandemic on top of all these changes can push us right to the edge.  A bit of stress in our lives helps to protect us in life by engaging our fight or flight response. However, continuous stress can aggravate that response and have a negative effect on our body. It’s important to recognize what stress is, the effects it has on our body, and what to do to mitigate those effects. This post is all about how to manage your stress during a pandemic. A recent review…
A Year of Wellness Series- January 2021 Health Assessment
This last year has prioritized health and well-being for many people, including myself. I want to be as healthy as I can be to ensure that my body can fight illnesses such as Covid-19, if I happen to get the virus. There are also many diseases that can start to develop at midlife that I am trying to reduce my risk for. So, I am looking at improving my overall health in the first of “A Year of Wellness Series”. Prepare yourself – this is a lengthy post! Being healthy means having balance physically, mentally and spiritually in your life. Health is determined by genetics, diet, exercise, and other…
4 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail
The start of the new year always brings expectations for life to be new and better, especially after this past year. We have been faced with the reality that having certain existing medical issues can make us more likely to have complications from Covid. Many people I have talked to feel the urgency to get healthier, including me. And with that expectation comes the pressure to make grand and specific resolutions such as “losing 20lbs” or “getting fit” or “decluttering the house”. Often these resolutions seem daunting because we know what we want, but we just don’t have a clear plan to get us to that goal. There are reports…