
My Experience with Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy - Celebrate Life in the Middle Blog

I wrote earlier about how Craniosacral Therapy helped me on my path to mindfulness and wellness in this post.  I wanted to expand on this as it continues to remain a very controversial therapy in healthcare literature.  This post will discuss why it remains controversial, and will explain my experience with Craniosacral Therapy and how it helped me.

What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?

CST is described as a gentle, hands-on technique using light touch to examine membranes and the movement of fluid around the Central Nervous System (CNS)(1).  It relieves tension in the CNS thereby promoting a decrease in pain and increased feelings of well-being (1).  CST is not an alternative treatment, it is a complimentary treatment that should not be used independent or in the absence of medical treatment.  It is a method that promotes physical, emotional and spiritual health.

What happens during a Craniosacral Therapy session?

Typically, CST usually has about 3-5 sessions for optimal therapy.  I had 3 weekly sessions, and then another around 6 weeks later.  When I went for my first session, I had no idea what to expect.  I expected a massage of some sort, since I had been referred by my chiropractor to a Registered Massage Therapist.  However, after a thorough assessment of my health history, she explained that I would lie on my back on a very comfy massage air bed and I would be fully clothed during the massage.  I thought I was having a massage and CST.  Okay…. I thought “Well this will be a waste of my time”.

But I was so wrong.

I remained fully clothed for the session (mine was 60 minutes), so wearing comfortable, thinner clothing is a must.  The lights are dimmed and quiet, relaxing music is played.

The CST therapist uses very light pressure (around the weight of a nickel- 5 grams) from your head to your toes.  The light touch includes very gentle fascia tissue release in certain areas of the body that surround the CNS.

According to some literature Craniosacral Therapy can help treat:

  • Migraines and headaches
  • Chronic pain
  • Autism/ADHD
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Brain/Spinal Cord injuries (not acute!)
  • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia
  • And others (3)

Is there any evidence for Craniosacral therapy?

CST has long been considered a controversial therapy without proven effectiveness, coupled with unproven health claims.  There are admittedly not a lot of quality randomized controlled trials (RCT’s) that evaluate the efficacy of CST.  There is a recent meta-analysis by Haller et al published in 2019 (which evaluated all the recent RCT’s) suggesting significant and robust effects of CST on pain and function (2).  “CST seems to be as safe as other conventional treatments and might provide a novel treatment option in cases where standard treatments have failed to cause symptom improvement” (2).  However, in reviewing the included RCT’s in this meta-analysis, the quality and validity of these included studies is questionable.

If you know me, you know the value I place on evidence.  So why would I participate in a therapy that had no merit, and no evidence to prove that it worked?  Well truthfully, I was desperate.

I was completely burnt out- having naps every day and then sleeping so poorly at night, and I was always exhausted yet wired at the same time.  Despite being on medication, my anxiety that started in perimenopause was out of control.  I had no interest in doing anything- because everything was an effort.  So, I had nothing to lose by trying the therapy.  And, my healthcare insurance would pay for it, so it wouldn’t cost me anything.

My experience with Craniosacral therapy

That first session felt like someone flipped a switch in me.  I was able to finally relax, and that relaxation lasted for three whole days.  My sleep was better and didn’t nap for those afternoons.  I actually didn’t need a nap until 6 days after the first treatment.

During the second session, I fell asleep.  And anyone that knows me, understands that this is pretty much impossible for me to do.  I couldn’t sleep at the best of times, let alone when someone was touching me!  The effects of that second session lasted pretty much the entire week until the third session.

The third session’s effects lasted for 6 whole weeks, and I ended up going back for two more final sessions- just to be sure.  I haven’t needed to go back for myself since.

I did also take my youngest child who has ADHD.  He takes medication but was having lots of issues at school with schoolwork and friendships.  I was there for all three sessions with him and was completely blown away when he fell asleep during all 3 treatments.  That’s not something that I would have ever thought possible.  He has huge difficulties falling asleep because of his medication and his ADHD, and he really doesn’t like anyone touching him!  Would I say that there was a huge improvement in his schoolwork?   No, not for the long term.  He had some increased focus for the first month or so, but that waned.  I do think that he had improvement in his friendships though.  He previously was quite argumentative at times, and this improved substantially.  I would like to take him back again, but he has refused ever since lol.


So, CST was definitely a game-changer for me in my life.  How and why it actually works (according to science), I have no idea.  But all I know is that it worked for me and my anxiety.  And if I ever felt that I needed it again, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back.  Will it work for you?  I make no guarantees of any kind.  I just wanted to share my experience with Craniosacral Therapy with you.

Please note that while I am a Registered Nurse, I am not your nurse and my opinions above do not constitute or replace medical advice.  Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns with your physician or healthcare provider.   Also, see my disclaimer here for more information.


Take care,

Celebrate Life in the Middle Blog

My Experience with Craniosacral Therapy - Celebrate Life in the Middle BlogMy experience with craniosacral therapy - Celebrate Life in the Middle BlogMy Experience with Craniosacral Therapy - Celebrate Life in the Middle Blog



  1. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17677-craniosacral-therapy
  2. Haller H, et al. “Craniosacral therapy for chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 21.1 (2019): 1. Available from: https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-019-3017-y
  3. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17677-craniosacral-therapy
  4. Image #1 Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay
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