• Lifestyle

    Setting Intentions For the New Year to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

      It is nearing 2023, and the start of the new year always brings the tradition of new year’s resolutions.  Many view the start of a new year as a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, so making resolutions symbolizes that.  I really feel that we should be setting intentions for the new year, rather than making new year’s resolutions so we can achieve much more success. Resolutions and intentions are similar in that they both involve setting goals or making changes in your life.  However, there are some key differences between the two: Motivation: Resolutions are often driven by a desire to make up for past mistakes or…

  • Lifestyle

    8 Ways to Feel Sexy and Confident at Midlife

      Let’s face it, the ability to feel sexy and confident isn’t always easy – especially as we age.  We start to see changes in our bodies that we don’t like, our energy levels dip, and we often feel like we’re invisible in the world.  In our youth-obsessed society, it’s easy to feel like we’re not enough once we hit a certain age.  But the truth is, feeling sexy and confident at midlife has nothing to do with your age—it’s all about how the confidence you have in yourself.  Here are 8 tips to help you feel your best, and feel sexy and confident at midlife.

  • Wellness

    Vitamin D3 at Midlife- A Pro-Aging Wonder Supplement

    As we age, it becomes more and more important to pay attention to our vitamin and mineral intake. We might not be able to get everything we need from diet alone, so supplements may become a necessary part of life.  If you’re a woman over the age of 40, it’s time to start thinking about ensuring you get enough Vitamin D3 at midlife. This essential vitamin has been shown to play a role in protecting against a variety of age-related diseases, from cognitive decline to cancer. Vitamin D3 is also great for your skin, helping to keep it looking young and staying healthy at midlife. Read on to learn more…

  • Wellness

    My Experience with Anxiety in Perimenopause

    Several years ago, when I started going through perimenopause, I began to experience a lot of anxiety.  I was always a Type A personality- high achiever, perfectionist, perhaps a few worries here and there.  But until that point, I had never experienced anxiety like this. I began to suffer from panic attacks.  My ability to deal with even the slightest stresses was diminished and would put me over the edge.  I described myself feeling like I was a cat clinging to the top of the curtains when people would ask me how I was.