Midlife: It Doesn’t Have To Be A Crisis!
When many people think of a “midlife crisis” what often appears in their mind is the stereotypical middle-aged man who buys a sporty vehicle, leaves his family and gets a mistress. Well, a midlife upheaval can happen to women as well, and this can often sneak up on us without notice. But it doesn’t have to be a crisis!
Rosacea During Midlife: Skin Care Tips
I’ve always had very fair skin that flushes easily, and occasional acne issues-usually related to hormones. But a few years ago, I started having lots of issues with my skin with increasing redness, lots of little visible blood vessels on my cheeks, nose and chin, and worsening acne. I just couldn’t figure out what was going wrong and had chalked it up to perimenopause and hormone imbalance. Eventually I saw a skin specialist who diagnosed me with Rosacea. I started oral and topical treatments and since then my skin has been so much better. I’ve done so much research and trialing products for Rosacea during midlife in the last…
A Year of Wellness Series: April 2021-Decluttering to Improve Your Health
Our world is so complex, keeping us busy, running and multitasking. Our busy lives sometimes keep us from being able to stay as organized as we want and leads to a build-up of clutter in our lives. Physical, digital and mental clutter. This is especially true the older we get. I don’t know about you but being so busy with raising children and advancing my career kept me from keeping clutter at bay for years. And this extra “stuff” really started weighing me down and added more stress to my already stressful life. So, I started to look at how “decluttering can improve your health”.
Should You Wear Compression Stockings at Midlife?
Should you wear compression stockings at midlife? Compression stockings are something that I personally have worn for many years now. Many nurses wear them, and not just those in midlife. I know several young women who love wearing their compression stockings when they work. Many people think that compression stockings are just for elderly people, and are ugly and hot. Well, I just have to say NO to ALL! Compression stockings are for all ages, including women at midlife.  And there are so many cute (and even sexy!) compression stockings on the market these days. I’ve included research and discussion in this blog post to help you decide if they…
5 Girlfriend Getaway Ideas
Now that more people are receiving the vaccine and we will soon have a higher percentage of herd immunity, I’m starting to think about getting more time with my friends once it is safe to do so. I’ve been stuck safe at home with my family, and although I love them with all my heart and have truly appreciated having more quality time with them, it’s time to get out and do something different.  I am getting so excited to get out and enjoy visiting with my friends again- in person!  With restrictions easing in parts of the country but travel outside of Canada still challenging, I started researching some…