• Wellness

    A Year of Wellness Series: March 2021- Daily Fluid Intake During Menopause

    Do you drink enough fluids in the day?  And if so, how do you know?  What kinds of fluids should you be drinking?  Does menopause affect how much you should be drinking during the day?  These are all valid questions and there are some confusing answers out in the vast internet.  This blog post is continuing my Year of Wellness Series, and in March 2021 I’m focusing on daily fluid intake for women during menopause. This year I am continuing my own path to improving my health through small improvements each month of 2021, and sharing that journey with you.  Part one of my year of wellness series is about…

  • Lifestyle

    How Expectations Can Affect Your Happiness

    I think we all know that having unrealistic expectations can affect our happiness.  But really, what are “unrealistic expectations”?  I’ve always been someone who has high standards and high expectations of others, and myself.  And I’ve been repeatedly let down, until I learned to manage my expectations.  I have to say- I still struggle with this to this day though. The first thing I think about when I consider unrealistic expectations is having someone rave about something, be it a restaurant, movie, or anything really.  Someone raving about something makes me think that it must be everything that they are saying, and that I will love it as much as…

  • Travel

    The Best Thing To Do In NYC

    I’ve been missing travel so much this past year.  Even my phone knows it!  But seriously- my phone really does seem to know a lot about me- hmmm…  Anyway, a notification came up on my Photos app the other day.  It reminded me of photos from our trip to New York City in 2015 with two of our best friends.  That trip to NYC was a surprise to me.  I typically prefer quiet and serene travel – not the bustling and busy city.  And I’m far from the nightclub scene I would have loved in my youth.   But, this was a fun and interesting place to visit. Thinking back to this…

  • Wellness

    My Experience with Craniosacral Therapy

    I wrote earlier about how Craniosacral Therapy helped me on my path to mindfulness and wellness in this post.  I wanted to expand on this as it continues to remain a very controversial therapy in healthcare literature.  This post will discuss why it remains controversial, and will explain my experience with Craniosacral Therapy and how it helped me. What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST)? CST is described as a gentle, hands-on technique using light touch to examine membranes and the movement of fluid around the Central Nervous System (CNS)(1).  It relieves tension in the CNS thereby promoting a decrease in pain and increased feelings of well-being (1).  CST is not an…

  • Wellness

    A Year of Wellness Series: Feb 2021-Ways to Sleep Better

    Part two in my year of wellness series is all about how to manage insomnia and sleep issues during perimenopause and menopause.   I’ll specifically talk about two medically proven ways to sleep better by improving your sleep quality and quantity.  And no, it doesn’t involve medication! This year I am continuing my path to improving my health through small improvements each month of 2021.  Part one of my year of wellness series is about assessing your health and lifestyle and then using that information to make a list of small and attainable goals throughout the next year that are specific and tailored to you and your needs.  You can find…