Terms & Conditions


General Information

By accessing this website, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Statement.  Do not continue to use the Celebrate Life in the Middle website if you do not accept all of these terms and conditions, disclaimer and privacy statements.

The following terminology applies to these terms and conditions, privacy statement and disclaimer declaration.  “Celebrate Life in the Middle” blog provides entertainment and educational information on various topics as a public service, which should not be construed as professional advice. The information contained on this website is my personal opinion only.

The term “you” refers to you or  anyone who uses, visits and/or views the website.  By accessing this site, you accept our terms and conditions.

The terms “website”, “this website” specifically relate to the “Celebrate Life in the Middle” blog.


Privacy Policy

Children’s Privacy

All content on this website is intended for individuals over the age of 18. I do not knowingly collect or intend to collect, use or disclose personal information from children under the age of 18.  If you believe personal information is collected from someone under the age of 18, then please contact me to have that information deleted.


Information Gathered

When you access the website, you may provide personally identifiable information including (but not limited to) your name, email address and image when you sign up for my newsletter, send me an email or leave a comment.  This information is used to enhance your experience with my site.  You also provide certain non-identifying information when you access the site such as IP addresses, browser type, language preference, referring site, the pages you visit, and the date and time you visited.

This information may be retained indefinitely.  This information helps me to improve my website and tailor it to your anticipated needs.  This information is disclosed only to contractors, employees or organizations which require the information to provide services for my website, such as email plug-ins which organize my newsletters.

The security of your information is very important to me, but please remember that no information transmitted over the internet is 100% secure.  I do my best to keep your personal data safe.  I use safe protocols for communication and transferring data such as HTTPS.  I have ensured timely updates and have employed anti-spam and anti-virus, malware and firewall plug-ins to my site to reduce the chance of hacking.  I will never rent or sell any of your information to anyone.  By using this website, you agree that I am not responsible for any security breach and for any unauthorized use or disclosure of your  information by any third parties.

Should there be an information breach, I will notify authorities of such data breaches as soon as they are known.  I will also notify you if there is a threat to your interests within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach.

If you click on a link on my website and are re-directed to another site, be advised that you are no longer bound by my Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.  You should review that site’s privacy policy and terms.  I have no responsibility for any content on any linked site.

This privacy policy is updated and modified as needed and any policy changes are considered applicable immediately upon publishing to the website. You are responsible for reading this page periodically to check for any changes to this policy.  Your continued use of my website after the posting of any updates constitutes your acceptance of my modified privacy policy.



Cookie Policy

This website may use cookies to enrich your use of the site. Cookies are tiny text files of data that include an anonymous unique identifier that a website sends to your computer when you visit a site. Cookies are used to collect some non-personally identifiable information including but not limited to your IP address, geographic location, language preference, date and time of visit.

I use cookies for various reasons such as personalizing your browsing experience on the site, checking my website performance and use, saving your preferences and settings for future use and affiliate marketing.

When you leave a comment on my website, you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment.

You have the option of disabling cookies on your computer through your browser settings or by not accepting on the pop-up cookie consent. If you choose to disable cookies, you may not be able to view all functions and features of the site.  You can also later remove cookies stored in your computer though your browser settings.



General Disclaimer

Please read this Disclaimer, and note that I reserve the right to modify it at any time without notice.   Your continued use of the website “Celebrate Life in the Middle” constitutes your acceptance of the current disclaimer as well as future changes and updates to this Disclaimer. You must not access or use the website if you do not wish to be bound by this Disclaimer.

Although I am a Registered Nurse, I am not your nurse.  All content and information presented on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and does not establish any kind of professional-client relationship by your use of this website. Although I strive to provide accurate and up to date information, it is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional, such as your doctor for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any decisions.  I am not liable or responsible for any damages resulting from or related to your use of the information on this website.

I share information and examples with you but it is not a guarantee or promise of any kind for your results and successes if you decide to use the information, reviews, products, services, tips and techniques offered here. I make no warranty that the website or information presented will operate to your requirements or needs.  I also do not guarantee that the information presented will be complete, current or error-free although I will try my best to ensure that it is.



Affiliate Disclosure

With full disclosure please note that Celebrate Life in the Middle blog is a for-profit business, which means I do earn an income with this website.

I may partner with other businesses and affiliate marketing programs whose products or services may be promoted on the website in exchange for commissions.  When you click through or purchase those products or services through the affiliate links, I may receive commission. These affiliate relationships in no way compromise the integrity of the content and information being presented to you here, and you are under no obligation to click on these affiliate links or purchase those products or services being promoted, nor does this affect the price you pay for those products and services.  Please note that I only promote products and services that I love and have value and confidence in.  Please do your own research to ensure you have complete and accurate information before purchasing any product or service.

Although I may provide these affiliate links on the website for your convenience, I have no control over these third party websites, products and services as well as warranties, and they are solely responsible for their own content, privacy policies and practices and do not represent my opinions.  Therefore; I cannot be held liable for any content presented on these third party websites or for any issues, concerns, problems, or damages resulting from them.  I advise you to review the terms and conditions, disclaimers, and privacy policy of each site you visit.



Sponsored Posts Disclosure

I may include sponsored posts on my website occasionally for products or services I recommend or those that have been valuable in my own personal experience. The content in these posts does not serve as a guarantee for specific results or successes if you choose to use the information presented. It is up to you to do your own research and you are solely responsible for your purchases from the affiliate links as well as your own results from products or services. Therefore; I am not liable for any of your failures directly or indirectly related to the information presented to you on the website or through the links provided to third party websites.




You agree that your use of the website is at your own risk and that you are solely responsible for any information you provide, your actions and any results of those actions (personal or business) and for all other use in connection with the website.

You agree that I or anyone else working with me, shall not be liable to you for any damages by using this website including but not limited to all the content, information, products, services and graphics presented.

You also agree that with your use of the website, I am not liable to your for any errors/omissions on the website, inability or a delay in obtaining products or services, website interruption, hacking, viruses or any system failures.

You agree that I provide no expressed or implied guarantees to you for the content presented here, and you accept that no specific results are being promised to you on the site.



Intellectual Property Rights – Copyright

All content on this website is owned by me and is protected by copyright  and other intellectual property laws.  You may view and/or print pages from the website for your own personal use while ensuring it is not in violation of any copyright and intellectual property or proprietary rights.  At times I may use photos/information that is governed by creative commons licensing.  If I do use these, I credit the originator of the work.  Other times, I may purchase photos/information for commercial use that can be used on my website only according to the contract.

You must contact me for approval if you wish to use or link to any of the content on this site for website or print purposes, prior to using the content.  I reserve the right to refuse the use of my content for any reason.  I will have no responsibility or liability for any of my content or links that you use on your website.












Celebrate Life in the Middle Blog


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