
The Easy Way to Practice Mindfulness Every Day

Meditation for Mindfulness

Mindfulness is still a buzz word today and much has been written on the subject through the past few years.  But in talking to people, I’ve found many have the wrong idea about what mindfulness is and therefore don’t practice it.  Many think it involves meditation and yoga, and while that is true to some extent, that’s not all mindfulness includes.  There are many ways to practice mindfulness every day.

A few years ago when I was experiencing burnout from work and life, I learned about mindfulness and started practicing it every day.  It’s made a huge difference in my life by helping decrease my anxiety and stress, be more present and truly enjoy life more.

There is an easy way to practice mindfulness every day, and it all starts with that word “practice” and ends with “acceptance”.  Practice mindfulness every day.  And have acceptance without judgement when you don’t practice, or don’t practice the way you think you should be.  There is no perfection in mindfulness.

So, what is mindfulness anyway?

Well, it’s the practice of focusing on being in the moment, having the awareness of your feelings and senses while accepting what is.  Easier said than done 😉.   And it does require practice.  But as you practice, it does become second nature and part of your life.

Mind full or mindful?

Why should we practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness has many benefits including:
• Decreasing our stress
• Helping to manage our anxiety or depression
• Alleviating or decreasing pain
• Helping to prevent insomnia
• Decreasing blood pressure
• Preventing burnout
• Increasing our attention and focus
• Improving mental clarity and memory
• Encouraging better emotional regulation

So if it can do all that why aren’t more people doing this?!

For more information on mindfulness, please see my blog post How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life

Mindful Meditation

The Easy Way to Practice Mindfulness Every Day

1. Practice Breathwork.  This can involve meditation or not.  A great app that I use for meditation is Insight Timer which offers over 100,000 free meditations.  Designate an area for meditation if you want.  Decorate it so it is comfortable and inviting, so it encourages you to be there.  Or just simply find a comfy place wherever you are and take a few minutes and do it!   Other ways to practice breathwork are taking a few moments our of your day to focus on taking deep breaths and being aware of your body during that time.  I use my Breathe watch face on my Apple Watch to remind me to do this several times a day.  If you can’t sit still long enough for a meditation, then try walking meditation.

2. Be aware of your surroundings.  Take time to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear what is around you.  This requires concentration sometimes, especially when we are busy with life.  But making a conscious effort during your day helps make it a habit and it becomes second nature, rather than life passing you by.

3. Exercise.  I find this really helps to focus on my body- especially weight training and yoga.  With cardio, I’m usually trying to focus on my breathing, or when it will end haha.

4. Practice mindful eating.  Pay attention to the flavours, aromas, colours, textures and feel of the foods you eat.  Slow down your eating and chewing and savour each bite.  You can do this as you prepare and cook your meals as well.

5. Do one thing at a time.  Say no to multitasking!  Be present in each action and moment throughout your day.

6. Allow your thoughts and emotions to be in your mind, with acceptance and without judgement.  Trying to suppress them prevents you from moving on through life and experiencing what wonderful experiences you have next.  Allow and accept your thoughts and emotions, and then let them pass.


7. Take a walk during breaks at work.  Get outside in nature if you can.  While you’re walking, focus on your breathing, what you see and hear around you, what the weather feels like on your skin, etc.

8. Read Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book- Mindfulness for Beginners, Reclaiming the Present Moment and Your Life.  Read Jay Shetty’s book- Think Like a Monk.  Both of these books will help you have more information on how to practice mindfulness every day.

9. Simplify your morning routine.  Do each thing without multitasking.  Have your tea/coffee in a quiet place you enjoy.   Savour the colour, flavour, and aroma as well as your surroundings.  Focus on how the water feels on you as you shower, and how alert you are after your shower compared to before.

10. Play music you love and sing along.  Learn the words.  Close your eyes and really listen to the music.  Play favourites over and over again so that you really hear everything.

11. Sit somewhere comfortable and watch people, or the view.  Take it all in.

12. Pay attention to people when you are having conversations with them.  Give them your entire attention.  Listen to what they are saying, how they say it, and what their body is doing while they say it.  Don’t be on your phone or thinking about what you should say.  Just listen to and focus on them.

13. Practice sitting and using your senses.  What can you see, hear, taste, smell and feel?

14. Focus on a candle and watch the light dance, feel the warmth, and smell the aroma.  Observe your thoughts, and let them go.

Grounding Earthing

15. Practice “Earthing” or “Grounding”. Go outside barefoot.  Pay attention to your feet and how they feel against the ground, and how the ground feels.

16. Sit quietly and observe your thoughts and emotions.  Write them down.  This allows you to get the thoughts and feelings out and then release them.  Understand that your thoughts do not define you and they are simply fleeting through your mind at that moment.  They are not real and forever- they are thoughts and feelings and can change at any moment.  Accept them and allow them to pass.

17. Write down five things each day that you are grateful for.  This helps you to focus on the good in your day.

18. Do a body scan.  Focus on your body and how it feels right now.  Close your eyes and start from your head to your toes- focusing on each body part and how it feels. What are you sensing when you think about each?

19. Have you ever driven to or from work and you don’t recall the drive?  It’s crazy isn’t it?!  Well, you can practice mindfulness in your vehicle while driving.  Observe what you’re seeing, hearing and smelling.  Think about how the vehicle feels as you drive it, and how you feel in the seat.

20. Turn off your notifications in your apps on your computer and phone.  They distract us from being present in the moment.  If you don’t want to turn them off completely, disable them for chunks of time during the day by enabling your “do not disturb” ability on your phone.

Start slow with these ways to practice mindfulness every day.  Try one and practice it daily, then increase to several times a day.  Then try adding another practice.  Be kind to yourself.  Mindfulness isn’t something that is mastered overnight, or ever.  As you practice mindfulness every day, you will find it becomes second nature and all of the benefits that mindfulness brings will show up in your life.

Take care,

Celebrate Life in the Middle Blog




Ludwig DS, Kabat-Zinn J. Mindfulness in Medicine. JAMA. 2008;300(11):1350–1352. doi:10.1001/jama.300.11.1350
Creswell, DJ. Mindfulness Interventions. Annual Review of Psychology 2017 68:1, 491-516.

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